Twitter and Facebook : @dominicalbano
Instagram : @dominicaalbano

Height : 5’8″ | Chest : 38 | Waist : 30 | Shirt : Medium | Neck 16 | Shoes 10 | Eyes : Blue | Hair : Brown

Scouted while working as a personal trainer, Dominic Albano is an actor and model based in New York City. He has been photographed by some of the industry’s very best male beauty photographers.

Where do you live and work? What’s it like living and working there?

I live in New York City. My work takes me all over; I mostly work here in New York, though.

You are a model, and a professional actor. Which one came first and how did you get into modelling and acting?

I started as an actor. I was working as a personal trainer in upstate New York and was scouted by a man named Michael Butler. He wanted me to be in the business more than I did.

Tell us an unforgettable moment in your modelling career?

I think just working with really talented photographers. Those are great opportunities, great memories. You really learn a lot from the legends.

Who inspires you the most when it comes to acting?

Is it embarrassing to say, Bo Derek, Diane Keaton? I like their attitudes, personalities, personas. It’s not so much about who has the most talent, for me… it’s about who is most visually appealing and interesting to watch.

You are quite comfortable shooting nude. What advice would you give to those who want to feel more comfortable with their body?

I never really thought much about it, being nude. It wasn’t until someone told me that nudity would affect me being taken seriously as an actor… so there was a time when I wouldn’t get naked. I was bored; I didn’t work. Now I don’t care about potential repercussions from getting naked and times have changed. I think nudity is so impersonal, really, especially in Europe. I think if someone wants to be naked, wants to be free, they should.

How do you stay fit? What’s your training routine? What’s your typical diet?

I work out, of course, I have to. I start with cardio… sprints… then I lift. I think diet is really important; I eat vegetables, protein, fats… not really any grains or dairy or sweets.

Tell us more about your acting career? What film/TV have you been in? How did you feel watching yourself?

I’ve done some; I’d like to do more…I get really neurotic about the whole thing, pretending to be someone else. I don’t think I’m any good at it. I’ve done some indie things, queer films, and I only watched a few scenes.

What is your ultimate goal as a model and a professional actor?

I’m having fun with it. I think, for me, modelling and acting is the gateway into doing other things; taking photos, business in fashion, directing and producing. When you’re famous, people will give you money to do whatever you want, creatively. That’s the goal.